Wednesday, November 27, 2013


       During the time of Thanksgiving, we often take time to be thankful for all the things we have such as food and shelter and other appliances. What we sometimes don't think about are the people around us that we should be thankful for.
       First and for most, I am thankful for teachers. Not those who teach as a job, but those who teach as a lifestyle. I am thankful for those teachers who show me a new way to think of life and problems. I am thankful for teachers who try interest each student with creative assignments.  Most of all, I am thankful for teachers who place much unrequited effort into helping each and every student succeed.
      I am also thankful for many of my classmates. I am thankful for Morgan, Trenati, and Marcos who often I often work in a group with. Seeing that I missed the first week of school including choosing seats, had I been present, I most likely would have sit by people I was more familiar with and therefore would have never have made friends with these people, or even heard some of their opinions. I am thankful that they were so friendly and accepting of someone they had never met before.

     Lastly, I would like to say I am thankful for my good friend Barni Nuur. Knowing Barni since 7th grade and having many classes with her, we discuss many things, English class included. Despite her quiet appearance in class, she is actually very opinionated. Barni brings up points that I would often overlook and helps me to see a different side of a character or plot. Barni is a very outspoken person and her confidence is actually kind of inspiring. Also her mere presence lights up the room, not really it’s a pretty bright room as is, but I told her I would say that.

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