Wednesday, May 14, 2014


The speed limit was thirty five, but he was going twenty miles faster, like normal. He enjoyed showing off his car, like a gloating child, and it disgusted her but she would never tell. In the backseat, she watched the lights of the city brighten the night and twinkle in the distance. Spending the day with her family exhausted her and in the tired expressions in her parents’ faces, she could tell they felt the same.
        “Pull into this store here”, her mother commanded, “I want to get a pie”.
        “What do you want a pie for?”, he asked impatiently. He had just recently lost weight and was in the habit to shame others for not following in his footsteps.
        “Because Sarah’s birthday was the other week and we did nothing” she snapped beginning to glare. With short tempers being characteristics of them both, an air of tension always surrounded the couple like the smog around the city. Sarah sighed in the back seat, being the unfortunate collateral damage.
        “Oh, ok” ,he said with a change in tone as he attempted to diffuse the situation, “ we’ll go to Baker’s Square and get good pie.”
        “No this store will be fine”, she said.
        “No, no, Baker’s Square has better tasting pies”, He replied half enthusiastically half condescending.
        “It’s too far and pie will be cheaper here”, she retorted, begin to grind her teeth.
        “Why do you have to be so difficult?”  he asked in fake astoundment
        “Why is everything I do not good enough?” she returned as he voice raised to a higher volume.
        “Fine. Have it your way”, he yelled back while swerving the car to make the turn into the grocery store parking lot. He suddenly stopped as he pulled over near the entrance. Sarah’s mother jumped out of the car quickly and went into the store. Sarah stayed in the car as her father parked. “ Why does everything have to be an argument with her” he said to Sarah but more to himself. She shrugged as they exited the car and entered the store. Her mother was there, in the pastry section, pie in one hand, phone in the other. As they approached her, the conversation became audible.
        “In the Jewel, yeah. No just come pick me up. I don’t want to be here right now.” She said to the unknown but fairly obvious contact.
        “Really, Sally? Really? You’re just gonna leave? Really”, he rolled his eyes, “That’s really abusive of your family”
        Sarah chuckled to herself. Abusive. That was a word her parents both enjoyed misusing, she thought as she backed away from the argument unfolding before her. She slowly backed away as her parents began their usual scene so well rehearsed. They were only a few insults and an impulsive act away from fully loosing the pretense of a normal family dispute. The hushed debate could easily turn into a full out screaming match, but that only happened in public a few times.
        Now in the produce section of the store yet still having her parents in her line of vision, Sarah thought about her future. She thought about how she would be in control of her life, Take charge and confident, she wouldn't reserve her thoughts or opinions. She wouldn't keep herself in situations or relationships that were unnecessarily taxing.and then she began thinking about being impulsive. If she screamed out, right there in the store, her parents would stop and there would be a moment of peace. She could start destroying the store. She could yell, and run around, and throw all the fruits and vegetables on the floor, surely getting a second of attention. Still, she knew she wouldn't, in fear of being burdensome. Instead, she sat on the floor and living her life in her future. As usual, like this, she was content.
         “Sally! Sally where are you going?” her father’s voice interrupted her daydreams. Sarah looked up in time to see her mother with hands over her ears walking out the door, her father proceeding. Sarah quickly followed, not wanting to be left behind. It was ridiculous how they fought, like children, she thought.
        “You’re unbelievable! You purposely instigate! I bet you had this planned, probably just wanted to leave again and blame it on me!” he father exclaimed
        “Me? Unbelievable? You’re the one making such a big deal over a pie! A freaking PIE!” she yelled back.
        “You’re the one who started this in the first place!”
        “I just wanted something nice for Sarah!”
        “And I didn't? You didn't even buy the pie, anyway! I bet you plan-”
        “why are you two even still together?” Sarah asked thoughtlessly and in that instant she received her moment of peace, her second of attention. And in that same instant, she immediately regretted her question.
“What?” both her parents said, taken aback.
“Nothing” she mumbled.
“No, tell me what you said” her father said.
“’s just… you guys don’t get along and neither of you ever seems happy so why have you guys stayed together?” she said despite her better judgement. This caused her parents to exchange looks as if to ask each other the same question. And then she saw in their eyes, they had no idea.

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