Sunday, September 15, 2013

John Proctor: Hero or Stooge

The night wind pressed forth on my window. Previously this occurrence would cause me to leap to prayer, but now only brings sorrow and guilt to my heart. Guilt that treads so heavily inside me is brought not only by the idea that I once believed, truly, in a church that became so corrupted, but also the sentiment that the commence of this horrific tragedy could be attributed to my appearance in that town. The only comfort I can bring myself is with the notion that I believed myself helping to remove the devil, but only now do I realize the devil was deep inside each of their heart in the form of vengeance and pride. Try as I might, I cannot forget the monstrosities I have aided in, but mostly the injustice I have brought to one family in particular, the Proctors.
John Proctor's fate had been sealed the moment Abigail was entrusted with power and only now do I realize the flaw in our previous reasoning. For it was preceding sins that condemned him when the foes he had made in his community gained the ability to persecute him. A flawed hero, he faced not only the physical adversaries accusing him of blasphemy, but also his inner battle with guilt and unworthiness. But, it is not the sins that damn a person, but instead whether or not he repents and proceeds in the doing of Gods will after he seeks salvation. John clearly exemplified the idea of Christianity through his loyalty to his fellow neighbors and clairvoyance throughout the madness. The extent of pride and self-centered characteristics represented by the leaders of the providence was appalling and in comparison depicts john proctor to be saint-like. I pray God forgive me for urging a good man to turn to sin but under circumstances so extreme, no other solution seemed to appear. Though I would not have it be as it is, I understand why John must have done what he did. Be it pride or not, a man’s name is the only thing he has once he has endured betrayal and torture. Therefore, in his final acts, John not only protected his sons however best he could, but also saved the lives of many for hanging.
I have refrained from interaction as best as possible until my judgment recovers form these happenings, though I fear they never will. I know not of the happenings in Salem now but I hope they have come to Gods light.

1 comment:

  1. I like the perspective that you took in this piece instead of just being someone in third person talking about John and what he did. You show how Hale has been changed by this mess well and the remorse he feels after it's all over, and it's also very descriptive. Overall it's good and well-done.
