Sunday, September 8, 2013

New Arrivals... There Goes the Neighborhood

The autumn air was brisk and gusty. Fallen leaves spiraled into micro tornadoes in the wind. Enveloped in a layer of clouds, the sky was cast in a shade of pale grey. The dreary weather accommodated the feeling of uncertainty he felt. Forced to leave his home for 'better opportunities', his entire family left to endure months of sickening waters alongside other traders on a small ship called the Fortune. Relief had filled each and every person when they had finally reached land. This sentiment, however, was ill felt due to the bittersweet terms of their arrival. Talk of supply strain was overheard by both newcomers and previous settlers. This of course was because, as he later found out, their journey hadn't exactly been expected. On top of this, the land that had been promised to give new fortune had the appearance of being bleak and barren. The rocky cliffs and tough soil hardly seemed welcoming, at least not in his eyes.
            This knowledge put him on edge. Having the feeling of undesirability, he felt paranoid over, possibly inexistent, eyes following his figure as he passed by. Attitudes felt hostile towards him. The feeling of judgment never ceased to leave his side. Their placement of blame was not incorrect, however. He understood their rations were scarce to start of with and now the arrival of 35 newcomers would be sure to tax everyone’s famine. Knowing it wasn’t unreasonable; he still somehow felt their allegation was hypocritical, for he had heard the older men in taverns talk of native savages before the first settlement. This thought angered him, for they knew how it felt to be unwelcome. They should understand that he was not responsible for what his community had done, or not done. He wished they saw the similarities in their situations over their differences, as he did.
Still, he felt the eyes follow and inhospitable conversations lined his ambivalent days. Slowly, the trees grew bare and fallen leaves degenerated, creating a perfect metaphor for the colony’s state of being. As autumn faded to winter, he watched the town officials, perplexed over the ration shortage dilemma, scramble to fathom a resolution, however desolate the chances seemed.


  1. HEY LAUREN!!!!!
    Okay, so, I really liked that you made this a story (instead of describing something that happened in history, and leaving it like that). Also, your post was really descriptive, and really explained everything that he was feeling. The one thing I would add would be more about who the previous settlers, and the newcomers were, but overall, I thought it was really nice and creative!

  2. I thought this was very nice and descriptive with lots of nice big words lol but I agree with the previous person and think you could've talked more about the previous settlers and also more of the narrator's background. Overall very nice :)

  3. This was a very creative way of responding to the prompt. It's interesting how you decided to look at the "intruder"'s point of view, and how some of them do feel bad about ruining the local atmosphere. It's also an interesting comparison if we look at "intruder with humble intentions" versus "intruder with everything-is-mine intentions". There's not a lot of other material I can respond to, lol. :P If I had to, I could nitpick some small grammatical hitches (parallelism, writing out numbers, improper placement of semicolons/commas, etc...) but your writing in general flows swiftly. Good job!
